SUCCESS,    YES SUCCESS   !!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, that is right we have had success.    To all our members it is pleasing for me to be able to let you know that on Monday night the Board, yes all 8 members, had a very successful Board Meeting via the Google Hangouts video conferencing App.
I have to be honest it took more than a few attempts to get it working for all 8 members of the Board, but we finally achieved it and had a successful Board Meeting which lasted for about an hour and a half to two hours.  It was a reasonably productive meeting and definitely took a little getting use to for a majority of the Board.
I am sure our Secretary will be communicating with you all in the very near future re a potential video conferencing session for our club in the near future.
But I can tell you that in my opinion it definitely does not replace the face to face, in the same room way we would normally operate, but it will have to do under the current circumstances.
Stay tuned for further communications on this matter.........