Reflection on my year 2017-18.
We started the year with a magical changeover and this magic has flowed throughout my year with everything running smoothly. 
At the beginning of last year I made the comment that our club’s great asset, is, its wealth of experience in the management of some iconic events. With the support of my Board and the depth of experience the club has in running these programs and events, it has made my position as President a pleasure. I always had the feeling that the whole club was always behind me, supporting me every way possible. I also felt that the whole club supported the Board and all the Committee Chairs, in running their events where ever possible. I was honoured and proud to have led a group of Rotarians in my year, from a diverse range of backgrounds, pulling together when a task needed to be done.
All our projects have run smoothly, thank you to all the members who have given their time and expertise to refine them so that they can continue to run smoothly into future years.
I think Goran will nurture this good will in our club, and build on it next year.
I also think Goran will Be the Inspiration moving our club forward, embracing new ideas.
Yours in Rotary,
Immediate Past President.